As all of you might know through my previous post, I am in Uganda since April 12. I spent one week in Arua and then went down with other AIM missionaries to Kampala where I am now. I have regular telephone contact with people in Adi and the reports were hopeful until yesterday.
From the day of my departure until yesterday there were no problems. Last week on Wednesday 17 April the recently voted governor of Oriental Province, Jean Bamanisa, came to Ingbokolo and he had talks with leaders of Ingbokolo. When there he announced patrols in the area, the removal of the roadblocks and the refectioning of the road between Aru all the way to Ingbokolo (a stretch of 90km).
People were of good hopes and it has been quiet for a week or so. However, Wednesday there was a shooting again just north of Ingbokolo which made that Ingbokolo is now almost empty of people. All have fled in fear. The rebels mentioned they would march to town on Thursday, but this didn’t happen.
We don’t know what will happen. People are afraid. They fear this might escalate in more fighting that will cause people to die. Already people have died.
I want to ask you to pray that order and peace will be restored and that God will protect his people. Thank you.