Newsletter December 2022

And this is already the last newsletter for this year. I wish you a Merry Christmas 🎄 ⛄ and a Happy New Year.

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One Response to “Newsletter December 2022”

  1. Georges Tanzito says:

    I there dear Boks,

    I hope that you will get these few words of congratulations and thanking that I would like to address to you.
    I am christian of CECA 20, working as a researcher for one of Congolese universities in Kisangani.
    My late father worked as pastor for CECA 20 Todro.
    I would like to express my deep-hearted thanks for this struggle to keep CECA 20 alive and known in the world and mostly the assistance that you provide to my battered people in that area of DR Congo.
    May our Lord Keep on blessing you and your country The Netherlands that I appreciate a lot for having visited it over and over especially the small town of Wageningen as I deal in agricultural research.


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