Friday afternoon and Saturday morning (October 11-12) we had our staff meeting of the AIDS Awareness Program. And I planned to address some of the materials of Channels of Hope during the Friday afternoon sessions. Because of circumstances (our staff member from Adja could not find a motorbike to borrow after the one that was promised to him had to be used by its owner) we started later and we continued with the materials on Saturday morning for another hour and a half.
The staff members enjoyed the teaching and were hungry for more. I plan to teach a little every time we come together for staff meetings. They freely participated in sketches, like the one that pictures the attack of HIV to the body, and asked lots of questions. Most of these were questions that people ask them when they teach about AIDS in the communities. They shared their responses and noticed that it are usually the answers the others also would have given and are the right ones to give.
Yes, our staff are hungry for more and I would like to see the ‘Channels of Hope’ facilitator’s training be organized in the DRC. I am in contact with AIDS Link, World Vision and CABSA, the three organizations that organize the training and know of trainers who could help out, and together we are exploring the possibilities of the training to take place in French!