Archive for the ‘AIDS Awareness Program’ Category

Achievements: February 2015

First of all my apologies. Due to an error in the website some information was deleted. Thus…I will write this about the whole month of February. Adi has been hot, and busy. Laura has been filming and editing for the AIDS Program. It will be a kind of documentary about the program and show how […]

Another short termer has arrived

Yesterday I again had a busy day. I went with Dr. Simon and Indani, who is the accountant at the hospital, to Arua. We had several missions, of which the biggest was to pick up Caroline. She is a medical doctor and will be working with the AIDS Program and in the hospital for about […]

Working on films

Working on films Since Laura is here we have been working on the production of a film that will document the work of the AIDS Awareness Program. When Laura came, she could jump straight in the deep end because only four days after her arrival it was World AIDS Day and she could film how […]

Yep, I really know that I am back in Adi

19 October I could step on the plane to Entebbe in Uganda. You made it possible for me through your voluntary gifts and promises for my support. A big thanks to all of you. I have spent three weeks in Uganda in which I have been given a multiple entry visa for Uganda. This makes […]

A huge challenge

Being on home assignment in the Netherlands I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I could give presentations about my ministry in DRC in several churches and also in some cell groups in my home church. But it being summer holidays as well, I couldn’t visit them all. Instead, I went sailing with friends for […]

Newsletter available

This summer was great with nice weather. However, now I am aware that the weather in Holland can change quickly and I was caught in a heavy rain/hail storm yesterday. Cold. This newsletter though is not about the weather but mainly about a missionary career of 25 years in DR Congo. Pleasant reading. Newsletter juli2014E

In the Netherlands

It is cold, raining and very windy. So, I know I have arrived. Yesterday morning the plane landed at Schiphol Airport. And I got asked when leaving if I had something to declare??? No. However, the customs guy wanted to see my suitcase. Their dog had indicated that something was in my suitcase. Coffee!!! I […]

Active in many things – reporting and planning

The meeting with the staff of the AIDS Awareness Program went fine. Two days were spent in evaluation and two days, with the presence of the two doctors Simon and Claude, Reverend Langa (district of Adi and the local church of Adi), one volunteer from Adi and one from Leiku-Rumu. The decision for their presence […]

Action continues

Bunia I have spend two profitable weeks in Bunia. The first week I spent at the General Hospital where I saw how to manipulate a CD4 machine. This is a machine that counts the presence of the white blood cells that are destroyed by the HIV. Because one part of the machine did need to […]

In Bunia

Yes, something that I didn’t expect. One and a half week ago I received a phone call from the vice-president of CECA, Reverend Pilo, who invited me to Bunia for an AIDS conference that will be organized by PACANET, Pan African Christian AIDS Network. I asked for more information and received that the next day. […]

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