Africa Inland Mission/CECA 20

The Africa Inland Mission is founded in 1895 by Peter Cameron Scott. His vision was to reach the inlands of Africa with the Gospel of Christ starting from the coast. Within a year he died of malaria. His vision was kept and now the AIM is working in almost twenty countries in Africa.

Peter Cameron Scott, founder of AIM.

If you would want to know more about AIM International you can find more information on the following website from where you can link to the office closest to where you are located:

The Netherlands is

The CECA 20, or Communauté Evangélique au Centre de l’Afrique, is an Evangelical Community of Christians in the north east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It was founded by the Africa Inland Mission in 1912 and is functioning now under the leadership of a church president, Reverend Kokole Idring’i.

Reverend Kokole Idring’i

He was chosen in 2004 by the General Assembly of the CECA. The CECA is involved in evangelization and church building, women’s work, education, theological training, radio stations, medical work, development and an AIDS Awareness Program. The CECA also has a printing press to be able to print books on a local level.

The CECA ministers in a vast area in the north east of Congo. This area extends from the border with the Central African Republic unto the border with Uganda, and from the border with Sudan unto Goma, a Congolese town bordering Rwanda. In spite of all unrest afflicting the country for over 10 years, CECA is still functioning in the whole of this vast region. CECA has celebrated her 100-year anniversary in 2012 with lots of great church services, evangelism  and thus spreading the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ. The service to finish the centennial was held in Bunia on Sunday 25 September.

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